Click on a Ministry below for more information.
Adult Enrichment
Guest speakers, a variety of presentations and discussions to address
topics of concern are provided. Examples are: scripture, liturgy, spirituality,
with special Advent and Lenten programs.
Adult Scripture Study
Meetings for Adult Scripture Study to enlighten us on the meaning of our faith
are held at 4:00p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month at the Ephesus
House during the school year, unless noted in the parish bulletin. Please consult
the parish bulletin for topics.
Evangelization is the study, prayer, and reflection on Church teachings and
practices to strengthen our faith and promote a harmony of the Christian
communities by following in the footsteps of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Home and School Association
The Home and School Association serves to develop the understanding,
participation, and community of Our Lady of Grace students and parents, and
give greater appreciation of the Catholic faith. Assistance is done through
raising funds and volunteering. Please contact Our Lady of Grace School
Office for more information.
Parish Grade School & Pre-School
Our Lady of Grace School is a fully accredited school offering a quality Catholic education for students K through 8th Grade. Students at OLG
participate in the liturgy twice each week and in daily religious classes. Prayer is an integral part of the day. For further information:: i.e.. tuition, voucher
information and more please contact Our Lady of Grace School.
Parish School Board
The Our Lady of Grace School Board has as its primary concerns the
spiritual, intellectual, physical, emotional and social development of our
students. It formulates and recommends policies that will enable the school to
form the goals and general excellence of Catholic education. For more
information, please contact the school office.
Parish School Endowment
Our Lady of Grace Parish School Endowment Fund exists to perpetuate,
partially support, and uphold the educational work of our parish elementary
school. The Endowment Fund is part of the development efforts of the school
and parish to set aside donated funds. The cash assets of the fund are
restricted to helping support families in need of financial tuition assistance.
Members of the School Endowment Committee meet regularly during the year
to decide matters relating to the Fund.
RCIA-Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults/Children
RCIA is a formation process by adults and children to learn through prayer,
reflection on scripture, and the teachings of the Church to become members of
our faith community of the Catholic Church. RCIA for Children, ages 7 and up
is for children who have not received the Sacraments of Baptism, Penance, or
Holy Eucharist. These students meet weekly with a catechist. Please call the
Religious Education office for dates and times.
Religious Education for Public School Children K-8th Grade
Religion classes for public school children meet either Tuesdays or Sundays.
Tuesday afternoon classes are as follows: Kindergarten meets from
4:00p.m. – 5:00p.m.; Grades 1st-5th meet from 4:00p.m. - 5:30p.m., and
Grades 6th-8th meet from 6:00p.m. - 7:30p.m. Sunday Pre-school and
Kindergarten classes meet from 9:00a.m. - 10:00a.m.; and Grades 1st-8th
from 9:00a.m. - 10:30a.m. (High School sessions meet as announced in the
bulletin at different times throughout the year). A two year Sacramental process is required for:
Sacrament of Penance 2nd Grade
First Holy Communion 3rd Grade
Confirmation 8th Grade
If you are interested in assisting as a catechist or as an aide, please contact
the Religious Education office.
Tot Time for God
Our religious education department offers this Pre-school program for 3 and
4 year old children while parents attend the 9:00a.m. liturgy on Sunday. The
session focuses on the designated scripture for that Sunday with language
and activities suitable for the understanding of a pre-school child. Please call
the Religious Education office for details.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School is an annual program offered for five consecutive days
Monday through Friday during June for children ages 4 to10 years old, from
9:00a.m.-12:00p.m. Students enjoy games, crafts, Bible stories, and snacksrain or shine. Registration is required. Volunteers are always needed and
welcome. Contact the Religious Education Office for more information.
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